Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

271 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
25848 - Cost Analysis of Projects and Products
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
271 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering
4 and 3
Second Four-month period
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:

The general approach of the course is “learning by doing”, using the PBL methodology (Problem Based Learning).

The course will focus on the development of three cases or problems in which students will have to redesign a product , using the tools that will be presented during it.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program that the student is offered to help you achieve the expected results includes the following activities ...


5.3. Syllabus

  1. Economic evaluation of projects.
  2. Economic feasibility studies.
  3. Project funding.
  4. Valuation of investments.
  5. Economic evaluation of products.
  6. Technical analysis product cost.
  7. Product life cycle cost.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule of sessions and project presentations


At the beginning of the course and depending on the academic calendar and schedules determined by the Center, the detailed schedule will be communicated to the students.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]

  • [BB] Kotler, Philip. Marketing / Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong ; traducción Leticia Esther Pineda Ayala ; Adaptación María Merino, María de la Luz Eloísa Ascanio Rivera ; Revisión técnica José Habvi de Jesús Espinosa Reyna . - 14ª ed. Madrid [etc.] : Pearson Educación, 2012
  • [BB] Todo Marketing y más...: fundamentos, principios, conceptos y estrategias/ MAD Comunicación Madrid [etc.] : Fundación Confemetal, 2007
  • [BC] Raju, J. Smart Pricing / J. Raju, Z.J. Zhang FT Press, 2010.